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Stephanie J Oscarson, MD/JD/RPh


Dr. Oscarson has more than 25 years experience in various sectors of the healthcare system including pharmacy, medicine, and health law – and, specifically, 20+ years in pharmaceutical market research and consulting. Her background allows her to speak the language of physicians and to establish a rapport with patients, ultimately providing deeper insights than typically obtainable through traditional market research.

Specializing in qualitative mapping of therapeutic landscapes and assessment of market opportunities for early-phase drugs and devices, she has interviewed hundreds of guild-level thought leaders from around the world as well as US/UK practicing physicians, patients, and caregivers across a wide range of treatment areas. SJO Research offers customized work plans, flexible scheduling, and collaboration throughout. Whether working independently or with other preferred providers, SJO’s unique approach fosters continued engagement and alignment across internal stakeholder groups. Though based in the US, SJO maintains strong relationships with vendor partners around the world when a global perspective is desired. Working closely with the researchers in non-English speaking countries, SJO is able to ensure consistent quality across all markets.
